Small House Homestead Upgraded and Back On-Line

Our faithful followers might have noticed that the Small House Homestead blog has been quiet for some time now. Our free WordPress space was limited, I was not able to add the photographs I wanted to add and I needed to figure out what was the best direction to take to upgrade this blog. I also needed to figure out how to use the new editor. It typically takes me a while to research and figure out what I want to do next so for this lag, I apologize!

Blue sky coop barn and snowy ground

A winter scene on the homestead; our pole barn and covered chicken run under a blue sky winters day.

I’ve made some changes to the blog, added some more fun and bright colors and I hope made things on the blog easier to read and follow. I still have a few small things I want adjust so please bear with me, I am not a computer “techie,” without an unlimited budget and professional blogging assistants and marketing communication specialists. I figure things out more through trial and error. If something is just not working for you, just let me know and I’ll take it from there. My goal is that this blog is user-friendly, so I am always open to your suggestions.

Like everything else in my life, I’ll keep working on it!

Small House Big Sky homesteader and amateur blogger, Donna

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